On My Bookshelf

To be a writer is to know the constant doubt in what you’ve achieved. In the bland and low-grade hateful successwin parlance, I often don’t feel productive if I don’t have a concrete word count to show for it. This feeling isn’t useful, mainly because writing is a synthesis of many other ingredients that often include reading other people’s work. It may also include reading comic books, watching films or shows and even playing games, all of which can offer enjoyment as well as opportunities for learning. This is why I dislike using the word “productive”: so much of what gets expressed in my fiction is often difficult to trace back to a single source. So, in this vein, I created this area of my site as a way to track different things I read or watch. I hope to be able to discuss what I’m reading in a bit more depth than clicking a star-rating on Goodreads (for novels, at least).

As I’d hinted already–and as proof that I’m already breaking my own rules–I’ll also be sporadically posting my thoughts on other media whenever the mood strikes me. I may also occasionally recommend other writing here. I’ll see how it goes, and how long I can keep this going.