Press & Reviews

Tor, “Juniper and Chile Peppers: Karlo Yeager Rodriguez’s Up in the Hills, She Dreams of Her Daughter Deep in the Ground“, September 2023

“…Fairy tales aren’t often considered a subgenre of horror, but only because we so rarely read the actual Grimm versions.”

Tor, “Must Read Short Speculative Fiction: 12 Works You May Have Missed in 2022“, January 2022

“…The ending is one of my favorites of the year. It’s chilling and unexpected.”

The 1000 Year Plan, under “More Recommended Stories“, April 2020

“…What sets Rodriguez’s apart is the depth of the worldbuilding – a myths-inside-myths bloody layer cake of a mini-epic where the very world was created by such treachery, so that its people can’t help but follow suit.”

Quick Sip Reviews, Beneath Ceaseless Skies #301

“. . .The story does a good job in my opinion of layering the narrative, nesting stories within stories so that aside from the story of Jacinto and Ostred there is the story of the two brother gods, and after them the story of the two brothers who were sons of the drowned god. . . And it’s a great read!”

Tor, “Must-Read Speculative Short Fiction“, September 2019

“Uncanny’s . . . always so full of incredible pieces of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry that picking a single story to feature is a challenge in an of itself. But since I have to choose, I’m going with ‘This Is Not My Adventure.’”