Where I’ll Be At the Baltimore Book Festival 2019
I'll be participating in the Baltimore Book Festival (November 1-3) again this year and I can be found speaking at the area designated for SFWA (Science Fiction Writers of America) in the Columbus Center. Friday, 6 PM Making Magic Work For You: (with Ruthanna Emrys, Scott King, L. Penelope, Jon Skovron); Authors talk about infusing magic worldbuilding into their worlds, and how it can go beyond mere magic systems. Saturday, 5 PM All Fiction in A Day: The Beauty and Brilliance of Commute-Length Reads: (with Nino Cipri, AT Greenblatt, Barbara Krasnoff, LH Moore, Nibedita Sen, AC Wise)); Panelists make the case for why short fiction, whether in magazines, podcasts, anthologies, or collections, encapsulates the best of the SFF genres. Find out who you should be reading! ...