Secondary World Fantasy Tag

Awards Eligibility for Karlo Yeager Rodríguez, 2020

For the upcoming awards season for works of science fiction and fantasy, I submit my work for consideration and hope you'll remember it when casting ballots for the Nebulas, Hugos, Locus Awards, and World Fantasy Awards. Novelette Category - Fiction between 7,500 and 17,500 words As the Shore to the Tides, So Blood Calls to Blood - published in Beneath Ceaseless Skies #301, April 1, 2020 (11,550 words). In a world shaped by the primeval betrayal of two sibling deities, Jacinto learns his estranged brother seeks to help their god rise again, and vows to stop him. The 1000 Year Plan included it in their Recommended Stories. Charles Payseur offered his thoughtful analysis over at Quick Sip Reviews If you love the story, please feel free to share it. Thank you and until next time, friends! ...

Story Acceptance!

Last night, I received news that my first novelette, As the Shore to the Tides, So Blood Calls to Blood (all about brothers, bad blood and blood magic) will be published in Beneath Ceaseless Skies. I'm delighted to finally appear in one of my favorite online magazines! My story should be available to read later this year or early next; in the meantime, you can see what BCS has to offer. They're the only magazine that concentrates on secondary world literary adventure fantasy stories (think Lord of the Rings by way of Faulkner). If you like those types of stories, you can puchase a monthly subscription through Weightless Books, or help them pay their authors the new SFWA-approved pro rates through their Patreon. ...