Where I’ll Be At the Baltimore Book Festival 2019

I'll be participating in the Baltimore Book Festival (November 1-3) again this year and I can be found speaking at the area designated for SFWA (Science Fiction Writers of America) in the Columbus Center. Friday, 6 PM Making Magic Work For You: (with Ruthanna Emrys, Scott King, L. Penelope, Jon Skovron); Authors talk about infusing magic worldbuilding into their worlds, and how it can go beyond mere magic systems. Saturday, 5 PM All Fiction in A Day: The Beauty and Brilliance of Commute-Length Reads: (with Nino Cipri, AT Greenblatt, Barbara Krasnoff, LH Moore, Nibedita Sen, AC Wise)); Panelists make the case for why short fiction, whether in magazines, podcasts, anthologies, or collections, encapsulates the best of the SFF genres. Find out who you should be reading! ...

Where I Can Be Found at the Baltimore Book Festival

Now that the schedule is official, I'm able to talk about where I'll be during the Baltimore Book Festival this year. I'll be at the Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA) pavilion, located in the Inner Harbor area of downtown Baltimore. This year, I'll be participating in a couple of panels, which I'll detail below. Friday, September 28, 4:00 PM Hey, You: Why You Should Be Reading SF/F Even If You Never Have Before Don't consider yourself a genre reader? Let our panel try to convince you why you should be reading SF/F, and some of their favorite entry points and gateway books. With: Sue Hollister Barr, Vera Brook, Christopher Mark Rose, K.M. Szpara, Andrea Tang Saturday, September 29, 1:00 PM Short Fiction: The Beating Heart of SF/F Novels may get all the press, but some writers do their most interesting work at the shorter lengths, where they are free to be more experimental. Find out the...